PhD Students

Current students:  Yangfan Ren; Rongke Lyu; Mauro Florez; Janet Fu; Rose Graves.

Former students:

[28] Zijian Zeng (Ph.D. 2023, Rice University) (co-advisor with Meng Li)
Winner, James R. Thompson Graduate Student Award, Rice University.
[27] Mingrui (Scott) Liang (Ph.D. 2023, Rice University)
[26] Chunshan Liu (Ph.D. 2022, Rice University) (co-advisor with Dan Kowal)
[25] Emily Wang (Ph.D. 2022, Rice University).
Winner,  ISBA Savage Award for Best Thesis in Applied Methodology.
[24] Nathan Osborne (Ph.D. 2021, Rice University)
[23] Yinsen Miao (Ph.D. 2019, Rice University).
Winner, Inaugural James R. Thompson Graduate Student Award, Rice University.
[22] Jeong Hwan (Eric) Kook (Ph.D. 2019, Rice University).
[21] Elin Shaddox (Ph.D. 2019, Rice University).
[20] Ryan Warnick (Ph.D. 2018, Rice University).
[19] Duncan Wadsworth (Ph.D. 2016, Rice University).
[18] Qiwei Li (Ph.D. 2016, Rice University).
[17] Sharon Chiang (Ph.D. 2016, Rice University).
[16] Linlin Zhang (Ph.D. 2015, Rice University).
Honorable mention,  ISBA Savage Award for Best Thesis in Applied Methodology.
[15] Christine Peterson (Ph.D. 2013, Rice University).
Winner,  ISBA Savage Award for Best Thesis in Applied Methodology.
[14] Alberto Cassese (Ph.D. 2013, University of Florence – Italy).
[13] Beibei Guo (Ph.D. 2010, Rice University).
[12] Colleen Kenney (Ph.D. 2010, Rice University).
[11] Terrance Savitsky (Ph.D. 2010, Rice University).
[10] Francesco Stingo (Ph.D. 2010, University of Florence – Italy).
Winner of the Italian Statistical Society prize Best Doctoral Thesis in Statistics.

Former Students at Texas A&M University:

[9] Jaesik Jeong (Ph.D. 2008)
[8] Sang Han Lee (Ph.D. 2007)
[7] Sinae Kim (Ph.D. 2006)
Winner of the E. Parzen Fellowship Award, Texas A&M University
[6] Deukwoo Kwon (Ph.D. 2005)
[5] Kyungduk Ko (Ph.D. 2004)
[4] Chun Gun Park (Ph.D. 2003)
[3] Naijun Sha (Ph.D. 2002)

Former Students at the University of Florence – Italy:

[2] Francesco Gabbanini (Ph.D. 2002)
[1] Leonardo Fabbroni (Ph.D. 2001)
Winner of the Italian Statistical Society prize Best Doctoral Thesis in Statistics

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